Welcome to the website of ROLSIT, a Czech manufacturer of high-quality product packaging materials, advertising bags and shopping bags made of unwoven fabric, BIO cotton with cerificate GOTS and cotton. If you are looking for efficient advertising carriers at reasonable prices, this is the place for you. More and more customers are choosing to respect the environment by replacing cheap but eco-unfriendly plastic bags with unwoven fabric, cotton or BIO cotton with GOTS certificate materials with numerous advantages.


The most important positive feature of a fabric bag is possible reuse and long service life as compared to polythene. Other advantages are strength and optional design so that your customers can use the bag for regular shopping of heavier items while advertising your company at much lower cost than other marketing activities require. A printed logo or high-resolution image can be placed on the bag by means of digital technology or screen printing. We offer a large variety of materials of different structure, weight and colour combination. We will be happy to work out a tailor-made graphic design just for you.

If you are interested in what we make, it will be our pleasure to cooperate with you. We are convinced that you will be satisfied with the results :-)